Dead For 9 Days?Some claim this is a photo of a woman who has been dead nine days. There's something not right about this. The woman could not have been dead 9 days and look like this. In the bottom line you can see "9 days after" has been altered. We believe it once said "9 days before" her death. We think the note at the top is in a different hand and is redundant. We believe she was alive in this photo and someone is trying to make us believe otherwise. |  Well Dressed BoyThis is another one that mystifies us. We see nothing that suggests this boy was dead. He's alert, holding his head up, and looking at the camera. |  Not Victorian, But Quite A StoryThis couple was not Victorian, and they were not dead. Someone made up a big story about the woman being dead two days, and the man , being in denial, and having a photo made. It is actually a photo booth photo that has been tinted. |
 The BrideThis bride is stiffly posed but she was alive, with her groom standing next to her. Her dried flowers do not mean death. They were an accepted embellishment, especially in the hot summer months when it was hard to keep flowers fresh. |  Artistic PhotoThis photo of two women is an artistic portrait. It is called, " The Kiss of Peace" - 1869, by Julia Margaret Cameron, talented early woman photographer. They were both alive. |  Very Strange PhotoYes, this one is strange, but no one is dead. The seated child moved around a lot during the long shutter exposure, making him look monstrous. Some think he may have a medical problem, but that is not confirmed. |
 Sleeping BabyThe info with the original photo says: "Here we present an historic image of Adams family portrait, with man, woman, and baby girl. It was taken in 1846. The image shows Adams, Henry Joseph. Adams, Abigail Ridley Gibson. Kingsbury, Anna Gibson Adams, 1845-1884." Nothing was mentioned about death, nobody looks like they are in mourning and the child looks healthy. Everyone with closed eyes is not dead! |  Seated Woman With UmbrellaJust because her image has been embellished, it does not mean she was dead. She is sitting tall and hanging on to an umbrella. |  Man With A BatonThis fellow has a motion blur on the hand holding the baton. He also has a stand to help hold him still for the long shutter exposure. |